Отзывы Amazon Therapeutics, Pasuchaca (Geranium Dielsianum), 1 oz (30 ml)

13.04 $1164 руб540 грн6510 тг

  • Категория: Amazon Therapeutics
  • Производитель: Amazon Therapeutics
  • Оригинальное название: Amazon Therapeutics, Pasuchaca (Geranium Dielsianum), 1 oz (30 ml)
  • Артикл: AMT-00571
  • Размеры: 3.3 x 3.3 x 10.2 cm
Отзыв о товаре:
Amazon Therapeutics, Pasuchaca (Geranium Dielsianum), 1 oz (30 ml)
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очень хорошо снижает сахар в крови и можно обойтись без сахароснижающих таблеток.
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  • Therapeutic + Botanical
  • Wildcrafted
  • Sustainable Harvest

Amazon Therapeutic Laboratories works for the preservation of rainforest and to uphold the intellectual property rights of native healers and their traditional medicines.

Your Selection

You hold in your hands the finest traditional botanical available on earth. This botanical is a long standing favorite in South America where it has been empirically selected for its effectiveness over many generations. Only organically cultivated or sustainable wild harvested plants are collected and shipped to our laboratories.