Отзывы Bluebonnet Nutrition, Whey of Life, Сывороточный протеин, натуральный ароматизатор шоколад 8 пакетиков, 1.2 унции (36 г) каждый

12.76 $1139 руб529 грн6370 тг

  • Категория: Bluebonnet Nutrition
  • Производитель: Bluebonnet Nutrition
  • Оригинальное название: Bluebonnet Nutrition, Whey of Life, Whey Protein, Natural Chocolate Blitz Flavor, 8 Packets, 1.2 oz (36 g) Each
  • Артикл: BLB-01558
  • Размеры: 10.4 x 10.4 x 15.5 cm
Отзыв о товаре:
Bluebonnet Nutrition, Whey of Life, Сывороточный протеин, натуральный ароматизатор шоколад 8 пакетиков, 1.2 унции (36 г) каждый
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первый блин комом
Решила включить протеин в свой рацион.. во-первых, не очень хорошо размешивается, остаются комочки и нерастворившиеся частицы. На вкус гадость редкостная.. Как будто вы приготовили Несквик на холодном скисшемся (т.е. горьком, а не превратившемся в простоквашу;) молоке. Сразу же выплюнула и вылила всю порцию. Думаю, кому сплавить оставшиеся пакетики.
Отзыв был полезен? 0
  • Multi-Action
  • Dietary Supplement Powder
  • Mixes Instantly
  • Low Fat/Cholesterol
  • Low Sodium
  • Great Taste
  • Earth Sweet/Natural Sweetener
  • Microfiltered
  • Derived from Grass-Fed Cows
  • Not Treated with rBGH or Antibiotics
  • Low Sodium/Cholesterol
  • No Artificial Flavors
  • 18 g/Serving of Protein

Whey protein has the highest biological value (BV) of any protein on the market, which refers to a protein that has all of the essential amino acids in adequate quantities to sustain growth and development. That's why Bluebonnet's Whey of Life Multi-Action Whey Protein uses high-quality whey protein isolate and concentrate with important, naturally-occurring immunoglobulins, which help to support the immune system. Unlike the common practice of using a heat-processed whey protein isolate that can denature (render useless) these vital immunoglobulins, we employ a special low-temperature method, which yields an improved immune-regulating profile that cannot be found in other proteins.

Furthermore, this unique formula has both:

  • Fast-Acting Whey Protein for quick recovery and amino acid replenishment
  • Long-Acting casein for prolonged hours of repairing and rebuilding lean muscle

Bluebonnet's Whey of Life Multi-Action Whey Protein helps maintain optimal health for active men and women by providing unique standardized ingredients that function similarly to those active constituents found in why protein. Specifically, these complementary ingredients assist in:

  • Reducing Oxidative Stress [vegetarian SOD/Gliadin (GliSODin) Fruit Polyphenols and Undenatured Whey Protein]
  • Increasing Energy Production [Undenatured Whey Protein, and Nucleotides]
  • Maintaining Lean Muscle [Undenatured Whey Protein, Undenatured Micellar Casein, L-Glutamine and Nucleotides]
  • Supporting Immune Function [Undenatured Whey Protein, Vegetarian SOD/Gliadin (GliSODin) and Nucleotides]
Информация о Добавках
Serving Size: 1 Packet (36 g)
Servings Per Container: 8
 Amount Per Serving%Daily Value
Calories from Fat 10 
Total Fat 1.5 g 2%*
Cholesterol2 mg <1%
Total Carbohydrate 11 g 4%*
Dietary Fiber 1 g 4%*
Sugars10 g  
Protein18 g  
Calcium100 mg 10%
Phosphorus50 mg 5%
Magnesium16 mg 4%
Sodium45 mg 2%
Potassium110 mg 3%
L-Glutamine (L-glutamine, glutamine peptides) 500 mg **
Immunoglobulin Protein Concentrate 200 mg **
Nucleotides (cytidine, adenosine, guanosine, uridine monophosphates)50 mg **
Superoxide Dismutase/Gliadin Complex (GliSODin) 25 mg **
Fruit Polyphenols (from wild blueberry, cranberry, prune, cherry, bilberry fruit, grape seed, raspberry seed concentrates)5 mg **
*Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
**Percent Daily Values (DV) not established.
Typical Amino Acid/Protein Fraction Profiles Per Serving
Values are based on amino acid and protein fractions milligrams/percentages per 18 grams of protein in a single serving of Bluebonnet's Whey of Life Multi-Action Whey Protein.
Amino Acid % Total Protein*mg*
Alanine4.8%860 mg
Arginine 1.9%330 mg
Aspartic Acid 10.5%1880 mg
Cystine/Cysteine2.2%392 mg
Glutamic Acid 16.7%2990 mg
Glycine1.6%285 mg
Histidine1.8%312 mg
Isoleucine**6.5%1170 mg
Leucine**10%1785 mg
Lysine9%1620 mg
Methionine2%348 mg
Phenylalanine2.9%508 mg
Proline6.4%1150 mg
Serine4.3%775 mg
Threonine6.3%1125 mg
Tyrosine2.7%485 mg
Tryptophan1.6%280 mg
Valine**5.8%1045 mg
Protein Fraction
Beta-Lactoglobulin45%8100 mg
Glycomacropeptides (GmP)22%3960 mg
Alpha-Lactalabumin 18%3240 mg
Immunoglobulins (IgG)5%950 mg
Serum Albumins2%360 mg
*Values are based on a calculation combining Whey Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Concentrate, Micellar Casein and Calcium Caseinate.
**Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)