Отзывы Boiron, Календула, от ожогов, успокаивающая мазь, 1 унция (30 г)
7.02 $627 руб291 грн3505 тг
- Категория: Первая помощь, другое
- Производитель: Boiron
- Оригинальное название: Boiron, Calendula, Burn, Soothing Ointment, 1 oz (30 g)
- Артикл: BOI-08650
- Размеры: 11.4 x 5.1 x 3.6 cm

Отзыв о товаре:
Boiron, Календула, от ожогов, успокаивающая мазь, 1 унция (30 г)

01.12.2016 04:00
Отзыв был полезен?
- Burn Relief
- Minor Burns
- Homeopathic Medicine
- Lidocaine Free
- Benzocaine Free
- Protects & Heals
- Natural Active Ingredient
- World Leader in Homeopathic Medicines
The Boiron Promise
At Boiron, we believe there's a better way to feel good. A better way that works naturally with your body. Since 1932, the Boiron family has been committed to providing homeopathic medicines. As world leader in homeopathic medicines, our passion is your total health. Our promise is your total satisfaction.
Uses: Temporarily protects and helps promote healing of minor burns.
Homeopathic mother tincture made from Calendula officinalis flowering tops.