Отзывы Celestial Seasonings, Sleepytime Throat Tamer, Wellness Tea, 20 Tea Bags (8 fl oz) Each

4.29 $383 руб178 грн2142 тг

  • Категория: Травяной чай
  • Производитель: Celestial Seasonings
  • Оригинальное название: Celestial Seasonings, Sleepytime Throat Tamer, Wellness Tea, 20 Tea Bags, 1.2 oz (34 g)
  • Артикл: CES-51370
  • Размеры: 13.5 x 6.4 x 7.9 cm
Отзыв о товаре:
Celestial Seasonings, Sleepytime Throat Tamer, Wellness Tea, 20 Tea Bags (8 fl oz) Each
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приятный, успокаивающий чай
У чая приятный вкус, ненавязчивый, травяной. Пью с молоком, с ним стала засыпать крепче. Самое то для вечернего успокаивающего ритуала! Отдельный плюс производителю за милейшее оформление упаковки))
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  • 100% Natural Teas
  • Herbal Supplement
  • Coats and Soothes Throats
  • With Licorice Root and Chamomile
  • Classic Sleepytime Flavor
  • Naturally Caffeine Free
  • Kosher
  • Gluten Free
  • Healthy Teas. Healthy Planet. Healthy You!
  • Blended in Boulder, CO

Blendmaster's Notes

When the seasons change, minor throat irritations are all too common. Steep yourself in soothing goodness with Sleepytime Throat Tamer Wellness Tea. This special blend features all of the calming and relaxing qualities of our original Sleepytime Herbal Tea, then adds licorice root and slippery elm bark to coat the throat plus a rejuvenating infusion of lemongrass and ginger for a comforting aroma and flavor. You'll feel soothing relief from the very first sip.

Our Wellness Heritage

Celestial Seasonings was founded in 1969 with the belief that our natural herbal teas foster everyday wellness as part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle. True to this original vision, our handcrafted Wellness Teas feature traditional ingredients used for centuries to naturally support the body's defenses. Consistently effective and always delicious, our Wellness Teas provide soothing relief and help you maintain a healthy balance every day.

Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: 1 чайный пакетик Делает 8 унций
Количество на порцию% Дневная стоимость
Ромашка (Matricaria recutita) (цветы) 550 мг *
Солодка (Glycyrrhiza glabra) (корень) 260 мг *
Имбирь (Zingiber officinale) (корень) 140 мг *
Tilia estrella (Ternstroemia pringlei) (цветы) 105 мг *
Скользкий валь (Ulmus rubra) (коры) 35 мг *
* Процент дневных значений не установлен.

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