Отзывы DeVita, Natural Skin Care, Italian Tomato Leaf Mud Masque, 3 oz (90 ml)

13.06 $1166 руб541 грн6520 тг

  • Категория: DeVita
  • Производитель: Devita
  • Оригинальное название: Devita, Natural Skin Care, Italian Tomato Leaf Mud Masque, 3 oz (90 ml)
  • Артикл: DVA-40101
  • Размеры: 4.3 x 4.3 x 15.5 cm
Отзыв о товаре:
DeVita, Natural Skin Care, Italian Tomato Leaf Mud Masque, 3 oz (90 ml)
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Ужасная маска
Полностью согласна с предыдущим автором. При первом же использовании тюбик лопнул наверху, пришлось доставать оттуда. Пользоваться маской невозможно, т.к. начинают слезиться глаза, появляется жжение. Неприятно удивлена, т.к. не ждала такого от Девиты.
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Зря потраченные деньги
С предвкушением ждала эту маску. Но тотальное разочарование.
При первом же использовании, вверху тюбик лопнул. Естественно, дальше использовать не возможно, так как герметичность нарушена, плюс в составе глина, значит быстро высохнет и естественно, продукт вылазит с обратной стороны.
Но это пол беды. Как только намазала, начало жечь лицо. Смыла, лицо покрылось красными пятнами, жуткая аллергия.
Может только мне не повезло...
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  • DeVita Natural Skin Care
  • Paraben Free
  • 100% Vegan
  • "Guided by Nature, Driven by Science"

The DeVita Story

For nearly my entire life my skin had suffered from chronic cystic acne, and then when my 40s hit, so did the ravages of the Arizona sun I had lived in all my adult life. After spending many hundreds of dollars on expensive name brand products, which did nothing except break down my bank account and break out my face, I decided to use my background in chemistry to deconstruct those well known high priced potions. I discovered there was nothing in them that would do what they claimed, nor was there any ingredient used that should be so costly. And then, to top it all off, they were all loaded with poisons and preservatives!

After that sad discovery, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands. At that time, I had a small essential oils company, and I began working with organic aloe vera as a dynamic delivery system together with cutting edge advancements in active natural ingredients to create the beginnings of an effective natural products line. So after exhaustive and extensive research and development DeVita Natural Skin Care was born!

Our basic philosophy?

Make it Clean Make it Work Make it Natural Make it Exceptional...Make it DeVita!

In love and health,

Cherylanne DeVita

For over ten years now DeVita has been dedicated to developing beautifully pure age defying skin care products. DeVita now brings that care and expertise to their exclusive line of color cosmetics - |absolute| minerals

Just great, healthy coverage you can count on absolutely

|absolute| minerals

Ask for it by name.

Pore Purge in Progress... An intense detoxifying and cleansing masque designed to purge impurities and bring increased circulation to the surface of the skin. This natural masque is a luxurious treat made from 3 different types of clay - rare Montmorillonite from Spain and Italy, plus Bentonite and Kaolin. DeVita then blends them together with pure Tomato Lycopene Complex (TLC!), a great source of anti-oxidant rich Lycopene, to formulate the ultimate in facial detoxification. We guarantee this masque will be unlike any you've tried in the past - the results are dramatic!