Отзывы Nature's Answer, L-Carnitine Raspberry Ketones and Green Coffee Bean, 16 fl oz (480 ml)

13.64 $1217 руб565 грн6809 тг

  • Категория: Nature's Answer
  • Производитель: Nature's Answer
  • Оригинальное название: Nature's Answer, L-Carnitine Raspberry Ketones & Green Coffee Bean, 16 fl oz (480 ml)
  • Артикл: NTA-26182
  • Размеры: 7.4 x 7.4 x 17 cm
Отзыв о товаре:
Nature's Answer, L-Carnitine Raspberry Ketones and Green Coffee Bean, 16 fl oz (480 ml)
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Не очень верю, что есть какие-то препараты, которые могут глобально повлиять на процесс сжигания жира в организме. Но этот сиропчик снизил мне аппетит и убрал тягу к сладкому. В результате минус два кг за месяц без напряга и легкость в организме, т.к. объемы съедаемого уменьшились. Я довольна.
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  • Since 1972
  • With Green Tea
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Contains 125 mg of Natural Raspberry Ketones
  • Made With Quik-Sorb
  • For Fast Absorbtion
  • Carnipure

Natures Answer. High-quality natural products for vital, healthy lifestyles since 1972. FDA Registered, Pharmaceutically licensed, cGMP facility.

Nature's Answer L-Carnitine and Raspberry Ketones combines the purest form of L-Carnitine- Carnipure, with Raspberry Ketones, a naturally derived compound that produces the scent of raspberries. Together they support healthy weight maintenance by promoting fat metabolism. The formula is further enhanced with 'fat fighters' Green Coffee Bean (50% Chlorogenic Acid) & Green Tea!

Quik-Sorb is an exclusive blend of herbs known to enhance delivery of nutrients to the body.

Информация о Добавках
Serving Size: 1 Tablespoon (15 ml)
Serving Per Container: 32
 Amount per Serving% Daily Value
L-Carnitine500 mg
Natural Raspberry Ketones125 mg
Green Coffee Bean (Standardized to 50% Chlorogenic acid)100 mg
Green Tea Leaf (Camilla sinensis)100 mg
Daily Value not established.