Отзывы The Tao of Tea, Лотос, ароматизированный зеленый чай, 100 г (3,5 унции)

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The Tao of Tea, Лотос, ароматизированный зеленый чай, 100 г (3,5 унции)
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вкус и аромат лотуса явный и ощутимый. Мне напоминает ЭМ иланга, точь-в-точь прям :) вкусный и необычный чай!
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  • Artisan Quality Pure Leaf Teas Fresh
  • Vietnamese Che Sen
  • Brews 50 Cups


Northern Vietnam

Grown in the northern province of Thai Nguyen (40 miles from Hanoi) in Vietnam, Lotus tea is a fine green tea infused with the aroma of lotus flower blossoms.

Thai Nguyen

One of the main tea growing regions of Vietnam is Thai Ngyuen, producing teas of distinctive flavor. Other well known tea provinces include Tuyen Quang, Ha Giang, Yen Bai, Lao Cai and Bao Loc in Lam Dong of the Central Highlands.

History of Lotus Tea

King Tu Duc, during the Nguyen dynasty in the ancient capital of Hue on the central coast (1848-1883) was renowned for drinking lotus-scented tea in a very special way. In the afternoon of the day prior to his morning tea, he had his helpers row to a lotus growing lake in the royal garden and put a small handful of tea into each lotus flower in the blossom before binding the petals up. In so doing the tea would dry over night and at the same time absorb the scent of the petals. On the next morning the tea would be picked from the lotus lake and offered to the king for his morning refreshment. That old-style scented tea is now rare (we do offer that grade as well) and has given way to more modern techniques that include heat infusions with the lotus blossoms.

Flavor Profile

Refreshing flavor similar to anise with slightly sharp but pleasant aftertaste.

The Tao of Tea

Like the Tao, the art of tea is universal. We began our work with tea in 1997 to be a connecting thread for tea culture. Practicing the art on a daily basis in our teahouses in Portland, Oregon, we are a group of tea enthusiasts from different backgrounds and cultures. We travel, learn, take delight and seek to offer pure leaf teas with great flavor, artistry and soul. Our reward comes through actions that help people's lives, sustain the art of tea and promise a healthy environment.

Зеленые листья чая, цветки лотоса.

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