Отзывы The Tao of Tea, Органические чай Пряный Базилик, 16 пакетиков, 19,2 г (0,68 унции)

4.50 $402 руб186 грн2246 тг

  • Категория: Чай Масала
  • Производитель: The Tao of Tea
  • Оригинальное название: The Tao of Tea, Organic Spicy Tulsi Chai, 16 Tea Bags, 0.68 oz (19.2 g)
  • Артикл: TOT-90015
  • Размеры: 7.1 x 7.9 x 10.7 cm
Отзыв о товаре:
The Tao of Tea, Органические чай Пряный Базилик, 16 пакетиков, 19,2 г (0,68 унции)
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Вкусный, но не крепкий
Чай понравится поклонникам пряного чая латте из Старбакса. Особенно хорош с молоком, вспененным капучинатором, или со сгущенкой. Минус - недостаточно интенсивный вкус, чаю не хватает крепости.
Отзыв был полезен? 0
  • USDA Organic
  • 100% Organic
  • Nurture Your Soul
  • Unbleached Tea Bags
  • Certified Organic by QAI


Antioxidants are our friends, they are dietary substances that can prevent damage to your body cells. Antioxidants work by significantly slowing or preventing the oxidative - or damage from oxygen - a process caused by substances called free radicals that can lead to cell dysfunction and the onset of disease.

Antioxidants / per serving
Tulsi600 (8 fl oz serving)
Tomato Juice550~900 (8 fl oz serving)
Broccoli / Spinach400~600 (50 g serving)
Apple / Banana300 (100 g serving)

As measured by Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity (ORAC), Tulsi is not meant to be a substitute for fruits and vegetables, which are an important part of your diet. Various studies recommend 3,000-5,000 daily ORAC intake.

What is Tulsi?

Also known as Holy Basil, Tulsi is a sacred plant from India used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Revered in most households, Tulsi is considered an 'elixir of life' providing alchemy to one's well being.

Benefits of Tulsi

Tulsi contains antioxidants and has adaptogenic and immune enhancing properties. Tulsi's traditional uses:

  • Reduces Stress
  • Promotes Calmness
  • Balances Metabolism
  • Strengthens Immunity

Flavor Profile

Full-bodied, slightly spicy, warming blend of Indian spices that provides an uplifting brew.

Who is Tulsi Organics?

We are a small company of people who believe that each one of us can make a difference. We began Tulsi Organics to support Sikhya - a free school for homeless, underprivileged children in Northern India. It is our belief that all children deserve a safe place called home. We have chosen Tulsi, symbolic of nourishment, prosperity and home in India as our medium.

100% органические листья тульси (ocimum sanctum), 100% органический черный чай, 100% органический имбирь, 100% органические гвоздики, 100% органический кардамон, 100% органическая корица.

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