Отзывы The Tao of Tea, Органический бразильский чай мате 4.0 унции (114 г)

7.65 $683 руб317 грн3819 тг

  • Категория: Травяной чай
  • Производитель: The Tao of Tea
  • Оригинальное название: The Tao of Tea, Organic Brazilian Mate, 4.0 oz (114 g)
  • Артикл: TOT-91520
  • Размеры: 8.4 x 8.4 x 11.2 cm
Отзыв о товаре:
The Tao of Tea, Органический бразильский чай мате 4.0 унции (114 г)
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Brazilian Mate in iron box - Best Mate in Iherb.
Best Mate in Iherb.
Заказывал несколько раз. Очень приятный аромат.
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Хорошая идея подарка
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Хороший тонизирующий напиток
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Я не смогла по достоинству оценить даный чай... Пробовала пару раз, ну не хочу его... просто никакой.
Разочарована. Больше не куплю.
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Очень вкусный напиток! Очень понравилась баночка. Для России очень хорошая цена.
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Изысканное мате
Когда пьешь бразильское мате, наслаждаешься его изысканным вкусом, всем советую! :)
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  • Artisan Quality Pure Leaf Teas Fresh
  • 100% Organic
  • South American Yerba Mate
  • USDA Organic
  • Pure Leaf Teas
  • Brews 60 Cups
  • Certified Organic by QAI

Origin, Brazil Yerba Mate was first used by the Guarani Indians, who believed it could cleanse and heal the spirit. Now, millions enjoy it in South America, especially in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. Our Yerba Mate is grown on a 100% organic farm in Southern Brazil.

The Plant

Mate (Ilex Paraguariensis) is an evergreen plant of the holly (family Aquifoliaceae). The plant can reach heights of 10-12 meters, but is generally pruned at about 4-6 meters. Although the plant does produce small flowers and fruit, only the distinct oval shaped leaves and stems are plucked for processing.

Mate Constituents

Mate contains vitamins (A, B1, B2, C and E), mineral salts, 15 amino acids and high level of antioxidants. Its chemical constituents also include alkaloids (caffeine). Mate is known to help cope with stress and is beneficial for the nervous and immune systems.

Flavor Profile

Cooling, clear, bitter sweet flavor notes. Will provide at least 3-4 re-infusions.

Gourd & Bombilla

The Mate Gourd and Bombilla are traditional vessels used for enjoying Yerba Mate. The Gourd is filled one-third full with the leaves and after adding water, the brew is enjoyed by sipping through the bombilla. Designs and shapes vary by the region.

Terere. A refreshing ice drink

Terere is more popular than hot mate in tropical South America. It can be prepared like mate, by using flavored iced water instead of hot.

100% organic yerba mate leaves.

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