Отзывы The Tao of Tea, Органический чай ханибуш, 4,0 унции (115 гр)
9.00 $803 руб373 грн4493 тг
- Категория: Травяной чай
- Производитель: The Tao of Tea
- Оригинальное название: The Tao of Tea, Organic Honeybush Tea, 4.0 oz (115 g)
- Артикл: TOT-11095
- Размеры: 8.4 x 8.4 x 11.2 cm

- Popular South African Herb
- USDA Organic
- The Leaf, The Art, The Way...
- Pure Leaf Teas
- Brews 70 Cups
- Honeybush - None - Caffeine - Most
- Certified Organic by QAI
Cape Province, South Africa
"Heuningtee, Bergtee, Boertee" are just some of the names of this South African herb. Indigenous to the cape of South Africa, the honeybush plant is easily recognized by its trifoliate leaves, single-flowered blooms, and sweetly scented, bright yellow flowers. The leaves and flowers are used to make a beverage having a pleasant, mildly sweet taste and aroma, somewhat like honey and boysenberries. The most desirable components for the tea are the leaves and flowers.
Organic Processing
The leaves of the bush are harvested, bruised, and left in the sun to oxidize. The resulting product is then boiled or steeped like tea to make a beverage that is enjoyed both hot and cold. Honeybush is a legume, a close relative of Rooibos, and naturally caffeine free.
Flavor Profile
Similar to Rooibos, Honeybush has a distinct bright red brew and sweet aroma. The flavor is bright, sweet, and remaniscent of wildflowers. The finish is smooth and slightly fruity.
The Tao of Tea
We believe in promoting the art of tea by honoring people who live amongst the tea plants, their skills and culture. Each season, we travel to the source and select only the fresh, hand plucked, certified organic pure leaf teas from environmentally sustainable tea gardens. We invite you to join us and preserve tea culture at its highest level.