Отзывы Traditional Medicinals, Органические гаультерия распростёртая, мелисса лекарственная и тмин, 16 изолированных чайных пакетиков, 0.85 унций (24 г)

4.82 $430 руб200 грн2406 тг

  • Категория: Травяной чай
  • Производитель: Traditional Medicinals
  • Оригинальное название: Traditional Medicinals, Organic Mountain Tea with Lemon Balm & Caraway, 16 Wrapped Tea Bags, .85 oz (24 g)
  • Артикл: TRA-00272
  • Размеры: 11.2 x 8.1 x 6.9 cm
Отзыв о товаре:
Traditional Medicinals, Органические гаультерия распростёртая, мелисса лекарственная и тмин, 16 изолированных чайных пакетиков, 0.85 унций (24 г)
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Очень вкусный натуральный чай
Я большой фанат травяного чая,и этот чай теперь один из моих фаворитов!
Шикарная фирма органического чая!я в неё влюбилась. Всё в ней отлично:линейка различных вкусов, экологичная упаковка, а мудрые цитаты на хлястиках пакетиков....ммм...это приям эстетический дзен!Мне очень понравился этот вкус чая,очень нежныйи лёгкий.
[ Если мой отзыв был полезен -> жми ДА]
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  • Non-GMO Project Verified Tea Bag & String
  • Since 1974
  • Herbal Teas
  • Created by Herbalists
  • Naturally Caffeine Free Herbal Tea
  • Herbal Supplement
  • Non GMO Project Verified
  • UDSA Organic
  • Kosher
  • Certified B Corporation
  • Certified by the California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF)
  • All Ingredients Certified Organic

Personality - Herculean, protective and soothing.

Herbal power- Used throughout the Balkan Peninsula for millennia to support everyday wellness.

Reasons to love - Celebrated by ancient elders and wise Greek grandmas alike as a home remedy, mountain tea is the stuff of legends. With epic nicknames such as "ironwort," "The Tea of the Gods," and "The Tea of the Titans," mountain tea can't help but evoke a feeling of heroism against the odds. Reinforced with lemon balm and caraway for digestive support, this satisfying tea taps into an age-old root of wellness. Supplement your apple-a-day with the herb praised by the ancients.

Taste - Earthy and mildy floral.

The ever-resilient Siderites plant comprises over150 different species and thrives in small patches of limestone crags, found predominately in the mountains of Europe's Balkan Peninsula. Traditionally collected in olden days by shepherds while tending their flocks, this spear-like herb of yellow buds can reach as high as 15 inches tall. Some of our favorite mountain tea comes from Greece, where our farmers follow strict, organic practices and harvest the plant every July. Reinforce your inner Hercules by making this tea part of your daily wellness regime.

We've Got the Right Stuff

We raise the bar. The quality standard of the herbs we use is hard to pronounce, difficult to meet, and it's what makes us different, better. We're not ashamed to say it.Pharmacopoeia: It's the only quality standard our herbalists can rely on when blending teas for your health and wellness.

**This is the pharmacopoeia quality standard we use because quality matters.

Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: 1 чашка чая
Порций в контейнере: 16
Количество на порцию% Дневная стоимость
Калории 0
Все травяные ингредиенты:
Органическая трава горного чая (Sideritis spp.) 750 мг
Собственная смесь: 750 мг
Органический лимонный бальзам [PhEur] **
Органические плоды тмина [NF] **
Daily Value (DV) не установлена.

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